Wednesday, January 30

Open streets

So many streets in the Hague look like this picture. The sewage system dates back more than 80 years, and is partially outdated. During periods of heavy rainfall the excess of water is discharged into the surface water. Flooded streets occur regularly as well as a result of heavy rainfalls.

Currently every year, about 12 kilometers of obsolete sewer system are renewed, which means closing down streets for a couple of months, creating in some places in the city centre some huge traffic jams. Anyway, I guess it is necessary, we just have to be patient!


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

The shop owners must be thrilled... This photo illustrates how wide streets really are.

Bigouden Atao said...

It looks like a street in a in war city ...

Petrea Burchard said...

Oh no...another City Daily Photo blog to fascinate me. I'll never get any work done. Thanks for the history with the photo.