This view is taken in my favourite park in The Hague, Clingendael. Not sure whether the tree was put there intentionally, but it works well for this month theme!!!
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Saturday, December 1
Month theme day : Bridges
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Labels: Clingendael, Month theme, Parks and gardens
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Hi Lezard,
How it THAT possible?
Its still Friday and on your blog its saterday!
I love the CLINGENDAAL Thans so much my dear, I also have something for you!
I Just want to let you know that: I POSTED TODAY (FRIDAY) again 3 more HUGH works of the LOUVRE on my blog, a slide- show with 34 photo's and 8 collages, also a close-up of the MONA LISA, so please watch it :)
Have a great weekend! :)
Answer to some Questions:
_No I did not see Giacometty (where would that be?)
_OK, I might be mistaken (about the signs which do not exist
greetings again:0)
absolutely wonderful ! it looks amazing , are you sure is real ?
thanks !
a great interpretation of the theme Hyde DP is carrying permalinks to the bridge posts and will be updated at intervals until Dec 2nd.
LOL! I think I'd prefer to use the bridge in the background ;-)
Clever! I wouldn't be able to cross it myself, being rather clumsy. Did you see anyone give it a try?
Saint Louis CDPB has a quiz and contest for theme day. It should be posted between 3.00 and 4.00 GMT on Saturday. Stop by and have a try.
has 'atmosphere' is special, thanks.
Believe it or not there are several "bridges" like that here in Jamaica and they are actually used daily! :-D
I wish I had captured one of them for my Theme Day photo. I agree with isabella though...I'd definitely be using the one in the back :-D
It works perfectly, yes! That's a lovely view, so lush and peaceful. Great choice for the theme. :)
Since there are two bridges in this photo, I think I'd try both!
Great photo of two bridges...I like the tree bridge the best though. Happy Theme Day!
Good show! Very creative and interpretative choice for a bridge picture. But I would use the one in the background.
I noticed the log before the bridge and both are perfect. Great choice. Fab.
I see double bridges! haha...
Great shot for the theme.
Happy Theme Day!
That certainly represents one of the first types of bridges man ever used. Nice that it was there for the theme.
16 Ghosts on Bridge?
Looks like a footbridge for the fearless!
Your photo brought a smile to my face. In my youth the tree would have been be choice to cross the stream. Today I would walk a little future and use the bridge.
Great photograph of two bridges. :)
Nice idea for a bridge... the river looks delightful to swim in ;)
Great angle at which you snapped the bridge. I like the green as well.
Norwich Daily Photo
The Goddess In You
Your Love Coach
I would use one beyond.
Thanks all for your comments!!! Like most of you, I woul also choose for the "normal" bridge to cross this canal. I'll check out whether any kid dares to cross it on the wooden log!
Well, I heard that Eric and Igor are going to ask the DCP bloggers to walk along the bridges they posted, stop at the middle, take a picture a post it until tomorrow.
Thanks for your visit to Sesimbra
Good eye to spot the double bridge. And the Clingendael certainly is a beautiful spot.
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