I found those tombs in the tiny Ter Navolging graveyard in Scheveningen. I was struck by the fact that I had never seen any tombs like them before. They just look like a normal small garden where you would grow some strawberries...looking carefully, you will notice the very small black tablets where the names are written. At the same time, by being so simple, they give such a feeling of tranquillity.
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Monday, October 1
Theme day: Cemetary
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Labels: cemetary, Month theme, Scheveningen
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I just visited Ter Navolging last week (and will post on it later this week). I think, but am not sure, that these are graves for people who were cremated.
It was a very tranquil place hidden in the bustle of Scheveningen.
Nice shot and writeup.
How very discreet. I had to enlarge the photo to see them. Tranquil indeed.
Almost like a back garden!
Sydney Daily Photo
j'aime beaucoup cette idee de jardin.
I like much this idea of garden.
What a wonderful find for our theme day! A garden setting is so lovely in life or in death, and brings the two together a bit.
Seattle Daily Photo
I, too, had to enlarge to see the markers. How very lovely an idea!
Really different, almost hidden.
They do look more like garden markers!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
Very interesting....I haven't seen this before.
It is a peaceful photo, desite the jumble. Thank you.
Ahhh, I would have easily overlooked it. I like this method for honoring loved ones.
Very unusual cemetery. Definitely wouldn't think the display was anything more than a garden.
Wonderful photo for the theme day!
Very simple and very nice.
Hi ,
Well I must say, I am Dutch, but this? This I've never seen either, my dad is burried in Leidschendam, on another graveyard, but this seems to bee more graves in one?
Like a familygrave, but I am not sure. Do you know ?
Thanks for visiting my blog on my first month's theme!!
As far as I can remember, the markers all relate to people that have passed away in the last 30 years, and who are not family-related. As R&R in the Netherlands suggested, I think they relate to cremated people, but I am not sure. In this very smaal and old cementary (I later read that this is the first cementary build in the Netherlands outside a church) some 230 years ago, you can also find some bigger markers that have been recently placed in rememberance of people that were initially buried here, but whose graves had been displaced.
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